Progress report: core game engine completed!

Today I want to share with you my happyness since I've completed core features!


  • Enemies are driven by scripts so different behaviours for each enemy, they can react to player actions and can detect the player depending on their sensing radius. The scripts features around 20 commands to make enemies not predictable and not boring.
  • Enemies can be immune to certain ammo types.
  • Enemies can (depending on the type) attack with a physical attack or a ranged attack (shooting bullets to the player)


  • Collisions between player & enemy bullets completed
  • Collisions between player and enemies completed
  • Collisions between player bullets and enemies completed


  • I added a new type of trigger: manual triggers.
    These triggers are tied with an event raised only if the player hit the action key

When the player hit a manual trigger an text will be displayed in the top informations area, if he hit the action key the trigger will be activated: in the image above a dialog is executed allowing the player to make choices, obtain informations and other interesting things.

I'm also writing docs: it's easy to get lost in the code:

Please, if you can, support me on Patreon, even with the free or the lowest tier, I'm working almost full time on this project because my real job is so weak in the latest months... help me to bring you a cool & original game for your Amiga!
Now I'm sure I can complete the game since the main core is done: I've to search for bugs, optimize the code and build some simple editors to speed up the development time. After that I've to add the title screen, the settings screen and implement load & save options.

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